I think we can often be too quick to give advice to others who are going through challenging times, rather than simply show empathy and support. And often we can be quiet in sharing the things we have gone through, even though it is an opportunity to support someone going through the same or similar experience. We live in a fallen world, but despite that, we were created to be relational. Not to be isolated, or silent.
This can be seen from various research where people who are isolated suffer with health deprivation, physical and/or mental. We also see this in people who hold things in; causing them inner turmoil, rather than speaking about it. This is often why women live longer than men, because women chat. We go to our friend, spouse or family member and chat chat chat, and often cry cry cry. We are relational beings for a GOOD reason.
I cannot say that I have met anyone who hasn't or isn't dealing with something. Again this is because we live in a fallen world and none of us are perfect. However, we have our Heavenly Father who is and provides everything that we need and more; to live the best life here on earth. The Bible teaches us to let go of our burdens. Why? Well rather than ask that question, ask Why Not? Why do we hold on to the negative things rather than fix our focus on the positive things? Wouldn't the journey of life be a lot lighter if we did?
Easier said than done, I know. Words are easy, actions bring the change. Did you know that God created you in His image? He gave humanity intelligence. He gave us a tree and look what humans did with it...made furniture and much more. This is just one example. Why do I mention this. Because God never gives us more than we can handle. When we let go of our situations and allow God to be in control, we then gain the ability to endure anything! "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you," says the Lord. Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT.
I love the above verse. One of my run-to verses. There is so much in it. God doesn't say 'and maybe I will listen'....or 'maybe you will find me'. Or even that the plans may sometimes be good. He says 'they are'...'I will'.....'you will'...God is good. He isn't a man that He should lie. We often hold on to things because we fear being vulnerable. But being vulnerable isn't a bad thing. Being vulnerable (being open) enables the best relationships to take place, and it also can save lives. Remember...we are relational beings. So when you are going through something, run to this verse like I do, and remember that God has got your back. He is trustworthy. You can 'let go' and give Him control, knowing that it is good.
Siobhan is the Founder and Director of Signature Moments. She has a passion to see people empowered to be who they are called to be and generally loves hanging out with people.